Friday, July 31, 2009

Warren Meets My Old Roomie

Thursday afternoon Warren and I went to Waxahachie to see my former college roommate, Melissa (We call her "Mel"; she hates that name - Roy started it!). Unfortunately Warren didn't show off very well until about the last 15minutes of our visit. He was kinda fussy the rest of the time. As we were about to leave, he finally decided he liked Mel, and he gave her a present of prune juice spit-up. Nice.

I love seeing Roy with our son. He is the best daddy (and husband, for that matter) anyone could ask for, and he brings a smile to our face everyday. When he talks, Warren turns around and listens immediately (me, not so much!). He has even written several songs for Warren. His most recent is about "Mr. Ceiling Fan" - Warren's favorite thing to look at.
Tonight Roy took me to Pei Wei. Yummo! Then we came home, fed Warren and put him to bed, and then Roy made me a mudslide, and we watched Burn After Reading. The movie made little sense, but hey, it starred George Clooney, and I can always watch him!!!!! (Yes, Roy knows I feel this way!)

1 comment:

kimnewland said...

Warren's face on the pic with he and Roy looks like, " Hey Daddy, you are scratching my head with your whiskers dude!" LOL