Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Last Night as Two

Tonight Roy and I went to Olive Garden to "celebrate" our final night of being just the two of us. My mom is flying into town tomorrow, and Warren will be here no later than Tues., so tonight was our last night to be "alone" for many years to come. Roy has been so sweet during my pregnancy. He's really been extra caring and kind. Even tonight when I told him I brought my camera, so I can blog our last night alone, he got up and took the above pic w/o even complaining! That's a true miracle!!! LOL So, to a life of just the two of us, we say goodbye. To a new life of the three of us, we say welcome.


Melissa said...

That IS a miracle! And he's even smiling! :) Love the pic of the two of you! It's weird to think you'll no longer be 2, huh? You have been 2 longer than Cary and I were, and it was still really surreal. You look SO little to be due, Debbie! And I'm being absolutely serious!! I'll be surprised if Warren isn't a "little bit." Enjoy your last moments before full on parenthood! CANNOT WAIT TO SEE PICTURES! I'm praying until then! Call if you need to hear them! :)

the rushes of OKC said...

So excited for you guys! Can't wait to see pictures of warren and family! It is a life change, but worth it!