Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Sad Day
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
8 Week Check Up
I never really knew what the whole percentile thing means, but the doc said it means that 76% of babies weighed less at 8 weeks than Warren does, and 30-something% were less than 22.5in in length. So he's chunky but decent height.
Doc said Warren looks good, and he was surprised at how much weight he had gained. He couldn't get his shots today because my insurance won't cover them until next week, so we have to go back then. Apparently his circumcision is trying to undo because the doc said the skin is trying to reattach around the head, so now we have to be sure and pull it back every diaper change so that it does not reattach. Weird. LOL
On a wonderfully positive note... Warren has slept through the night 4 times in a row!!!! Last night he slept from 9p - 5a!!!! I hope he sticks with this pattern because I am loving the sleep.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Random Things
I never get tired of seeing this smile!
After his bath, Grammie wrapped him up tight and kept him warm.
Warren really likes to fix his eyes on me - I LOVE that! I get to talk to him and watch him smile at me and coo. I stick my tongue out at him, and he will stick his out at me. That's what we were doing in the pic below.
The pic below really shows how red (and thin!) Warren's hair is right now. Doesn't he have a great smile?!!! Warren has slept for 6hrs at night for a few days now. He goes down about 10:30pm and wakes about 4:30am to eat. Nice. I am finally feeling like I have a grip on things and I am not always sleep deprived. Unfortunately Warren seems to be off schedule tonight, but that's okay. One thing I've learned about babies is that just when you think they are developing a pattern, they change it up on you!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What Is Warren Doing These Days?
When I came home from my first day of work, Warren gave me a big smile! It looked similar to this one, and just melted my heart.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Warren's New 'Do
Friday, May 8, 2009
Baby Warren
One of his silly but adorable faces! Look at those rolls under his chin!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Super Long Blog Post: The Update
From Breast to Formula
Warren is now on formula only. The short of it is I just couldn't keep up with his eating needs. Mornings were great, and Warren would get what he needed, but by the afternoon, my body was just not producing enough milk, and Warren was wanting to eat every 30mins-1hr, and he was very fussy and often cried. I tried supplementing with formula, and it made a HUGE difference. So much so that we decided to put him on formula only. He was so satisfied and peaceful after having formula that I just couldn't keep that from him. He is doing great on it, and all of his jaundice cleared up within two days, as well as he started pooping on his own. He is even sleeping better. It is kind of sad to no longer be breastfeeding him, but it is really nice, too; I can eat and drink whatever I want, and it is much easier to go out now because I don't have to worry about his feeding times or whether or not there will be a place to nurse him.
A Twenty Dollar Hand Job
In the past I had posted about my pumping issues, which never improved. I only ever got about half an ounce to an ounce from each breast. So when I pumped 4oz, I just had to take a pic. Here's the story: I didn't bring my pump to Okla. because I had no plans to use it; however, when I decided to supplement with formula, I needed to pump, so I went to the store and bought a $20 hand pump. The crazy thing is it worked better than my $200 electric double breast pump!!! Ugh! Probably it was due to the fact that I was so full and it was morning time, but still, I found it fascinating that I could actually pump that much at one time.
When I decided to go formula only, I was not prepared for the pain and leakage that accompanied not nursing or pumping. It felt like there were rocks in my breasts, and they were so sore I couldn't even hold Warren close without cringing. Thankfully that only lasted about three days. Now my breasts are soft again, not leaking, and only a little sore. They are still bigger than my old "A" cup size, so for that I am glad! LOL
The Future
I can't believe 5 weeks have passed already. My 6wk checkup is next Tuesday, and I go back to work/school on the 13th. My mom is coming the 16th-23rd. Roy will watch the baby the rest of the time. He does so well with him, I really don't need to worry ... much. :) Roy's mom and grandma hope to come down in July, and then school starts up again in August. That's when Warren will start daycare. But for now, we are focusing on today and enjoying every moment we have with our precious son.