Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes, I'm jealous; Is that wrong?

There are two young teachers at school who are also pregnant. One is due in just 6 weeks, but the other is due only ten days after I am. While it is fun to have someone to talk with about body changes and baby stuff, it is also sparking some jealousy on my part.

First of all, she (the one due in April) already felt her baby move once while she was lying down. After she told me that, I had to go home and lie flat with my arms above my head until I felt the baby move - which I did and it was really awesome. The second is that she is showing the same as me or just a tiny bit less, which is not much! I have been the same size (to me anyway) for weeks now. I am not complaining about having such an easy pregnancy, but I would like to have something to show for all of this! She assured me that she is only that big because it is her second baby, and while I know you get bigger faster with the second, I must say it is not very consoling.

So ya, I am jealous. I want to look pregnant and not just like I ate too much. I want to feel my baby move, so I know that it is okay in there. Is that wrong? The funny thing is, I know I will feel the opposite when I am like the teacher due in 6 weeks - she seems very uncomfortable, and I bet she just wishes she had my tummy right now...

I best go now. I need to go lie flat on the floor, as has become my daily ritual.


Melissa said...

Don't worry. You'll get all of those things before you know it. :) And it's perfectly normal to be jealous your not there yet. Every pregnancy I'm dying to look pregnant and not just like I had lots to eat, and then when you're done, you're dying to not look pregnant any more. Funny. There's a lot of waiting that goes with pregnancy. :)

Melissa said...

um...yeah... that should be "you're" not there yet...

kimnewland said...

Been there and understand totally - eat some chocolate and call your big sister; that should help some :-) Love you!