I was sitting on the couch earlier reading a magazine, and the baby had not moved since earlier this morning, but Cleo started barking at something and all of a sudden the baby came alive!! After both Cleo and the baby were quiet and still again, I didn't think anything of it until ... yep, Cleo started barking again, and what happened? The baby started moving again! It was really quite cool, and I had to laugh (and blog, of course) about it.
I think it is amazing that the baby can hear what's going on around me and that it is 10" from head to heel already! I still can't figure out how that much baby is inside of my belly. I am showing, but I'm not that big yet.
Incidentally, my pregnant friend at school is still bigger than I am, even though she's not due until after me. Well, I may be jealous now, but when we are nine months along and I still have the smaller tummy, who's going to be jealous then, huh Kelly!!!!! LOL