Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Recent Pics

Warren has recently gotten into shoveling dirt, raking leaves, and just being outside doing anything that resembles yard work/gardening... I hope that willingness stays through teenagehood!
He has also become quite the "cheese" face when I have my phone. He likes his picture to be taken and says, "cheese!"
Warren is really a daddy's boy! Here are my two men checking out the fountain in Heritage Square, downtown Waco.
Another thing Warren has been into lately is construction vehicles. He loves to watch videos on my phone and will say, "I neeeed truck!" He likes diggers and dozers and dumptrucks... we found one in a parking lot and stopped to let him check it out.
He loves trash trucks so much that he will play with his for long periods of time, just pretending to dump the trash into the truck. Roy even made up a trash truck song for him!
Another thing Warren has recently taken a liking to is ice cream cones!!!! (and notice the "cheeeese" face again!)
Warren really likes bridges, so we went to Indian Springs Park downtown and walked on the bridges and around the park. Here we're checking out a boat sculpture.
A pic with mommy on the bridge
...and with daddy
Parenting is sooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Parenting is sooooo much fun! Hard some days, but fun! I love all the pics! I hope for you guys' sake that his love for yard work is not short-lived! He is so cute! I love his big ole smile!