Sixteen months old... it can't be. Our sweet boy is growing and learning so fast we can barely keep up... actually, we can't keep up!!!
One of Warren's favorite things to do right now is dance with us, esp. to his new favorite song "Can't Be Tamed" by Miley Cyrus. He has even started dancing on his own - he walks in circles, waves his arms, and squats down. I've tried to get it on video, but no luck yet.
Warren starts his new daycare next week. He has visited for about two hours everyday this week and done so very well. It should be a smooth transition.
I am so proud of you, sweet boy. I love it that you follow mommy's directions (usually) and that you say "woo" really high like daddy taught you when you are jammin' to music. I love how you give me the sign for "more" and the smile you get on your face when we sing "Open Them Shut Them." I love that you ask to play the Wii and that you think you can only play it in the high breakfast table chair because that's how daddy does it. I love that you focus so hard when using your fork at meal times. I love that you pull up my shirt just to see my belly button and that you push in your belly so you can see and touch your penis while in the bathtub. I love that you have already learned you need to brush your teeth before bed and you ask me about it if I forget. Finally, I love that I love so many things about you, I just can't list them all!