Warren came home from daycare last week with this picture that he had "colored." Too cute! I was so proud of him, and yet I felt a little sad inside because he is growing up so fast. This week he started blowing raspberries. I kept trying to get it on video, but he would stop and try to grab the camera. I am determined to get it though!
This pic was taken before church last Sunday. I thought he looked like such a little man in his outfit.
He recognizes the sign for "milk" and "eat," and he knows how to give kisses. He loves to feel our faces and will often grab our noses or put his hand over our mouths. He esp. loves to feel his daddy's beard. He talks, slobbers, and screams, and he gets a little mad sometimes and shows his free will. He still sleeps from about 7:30p - 7a, but he doesn't nap very long during the day. He has done perfectly well adjusting to daycare. In fact, it seems he didn't have to adjust at all. He seems to like people and always has such a great demeanor. Roy and I say all the time how cool our kid is and how we are so surprised something this great could have come from the two of us! LOL