June 13th we headed to Oklahoma to see our families. On our way up, we got to see Brian and Alicia, some of our childhood friends, and their children Izze and Ian. It was great to catch up, and Izze and Ian were so sweet with Warren.

On Sunday night, we met with Roy's family. It was great to see everyone and to watch them with Warren. He was passed around for several hours, and still had a smile!
Uncle Adam
Aunt Sumer
Cousin Madison
"Nina" (i.e. Grandma)
For some crazy reason, I didn't get a picture of Warren with his Aunt Cristy. She was so sweet and protective of him. She always rocked him to sleep when she held him and wouldn't let other people take him from her until he had had a good nap!
I love this picture of my dad with all his grandkids - John, Sarah, and Warren.
We slept at my parents' for the last few days of our trip. Warren woke up to eat about 4am every day, so I was pretty tired come morning. On this morning I decided to put him back in bed with us - Daddy decided to cover his head to get out of the pic! (BTW - When at home in Waco, Warren sleeps 10-12hrs a night! He spoils us.)
As always, I loved spending time with my nephew and niece. One morning we made "happy face pancakes" with Grandma!
We celebrated John's and my dad's birthday along with Father's Day.
Auntie Kim brought Warren a super cute outfit and this adorable stuffed wiener dog! It looks just like Cleo!
My mom says my niece, Sarah, is just like I was at her age... kinda scary, but otherwise, aren't we cute?!!!
Warren was quite the taste-tester on this trip; he had some coconut cream pie, chocolate silk pie, and more...
Warren liked Grammy's "special" cookies!
While home, Roy's mom gave me some pics of Roy as a baby. The resemblance to Warren is amazing! What do you think?
Warren is officially 12 weeks old! I took a few pics of him today, though he did not want to cooperate much. He is doing so well - he "talks," sticks his tongue out on demand, is starting to wave, will stand for minutes at a time on his legs, and he has even giggled at me! Can't wait to get that on video. It made me cry! He now weighs about 14lbs.

Our sweet boy
I am sure I will have many more pics to post of our time together this summer. It's crazy how fast Warren is growing. He seems bigger and more developed every day. I love this job!
We got to spend time with my family as well:
Warren with his Grammy.
Warren liked Grammy's "special" cookies!
Hey, Grandpa, give me some more of that popsicle!
This one is probably the one that makes us most proud - Roy feeding Warren his first taste of Starbucks! White chocolate mocha frapp, no whip.

He is focusing on everything now, and is just mesmerized by all that is around him. Today I was reading him a book that his Grammy gave to him. He was actually looking at the pics on each page.
What a cutie! He is definitely a Garton, isn't he? :) Love all of the pics! So glad you had a good trip home!
Although I watch my own kids grow up so quickly and know that it happens fast; I still cannot believe how Warren is growing and changing! He is still the cutest nephew in the world - love you all!
What a fun trip! I can't believe how big Warren is getting! He is catching up to Cilla! He is precious! YAY for sleeping through the nights!
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